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20 Questions for Catherine Perrin

Pre-performance ritual:
Bananas, dark chocolate, and green tea.

My age at first musical awakening:
I was 12, and it was with Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade that I fell in love.

Hobby not related to music:
Wild flowers and trees.

Thing about me that would surprise people:

I’m very clumsy. (I can knock myself out throwing a Frisbee!)

“I listen to music when ….”
I’m cooking.

Favourite thing about working with ATMA:
The atmosphere of concentration and good humor when recording.

Favourite recording (classical or not):
Right now, Janáček and Schumann by Marc-André Hamelin.

Most memorable live musical moment:
Handel’s Theodora, with Les Violons du Roy, Karina Gauvin, Marie-Nicole Lemieux, and Iestyn Davies… grandiose!

If you could travel back in time, what specific musical moment would you want to witness?
The premiere of The Rite of Spring.

Please finish this sentence: “On performance days, I avoid ….”
Carrying heavy bags…

Most treasured possession:
My kids’ souvenir albums.

If you had not become a professional musician, what career would you have pursued?
A radio host; and what’s more, I’ve been lucky enough to become one!

Most memorable interaction with a member of the audience following one of my concerts:
“I’ve always hated the harpsichord. This evening, for the first time, I found it sensuous!”

Favourite composer:
Let’s go with one who’s still alive. Denis Gougeon!

Essential item in your suitcase when travelling for concerts:
Warm clothes, so that my hands are warm.

What are you reading at the moment?
La Formule de Dieu by José Rodrigues dos Santos.

Favourite quote or poem:
“If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” Thanks, Mum!

Best thing about being a musician:
The variety.

Which talent (in addition to music) would you most like to have?
To be able to play Frisbee!

Your Anniversary wish for ATMA Classique?
That you carry on for a long time, and that there is more talk about music in the media.