Founded in 2010 by codirectors Mélisande Corriveau and Eric Milnes, Ensemble L’Harmonie des saisons inspires audiences with its fresh and unique musical approach. After presenting over forty different programs in more than 150 concerts, the ensemble, which performs on period instruments, continues to expand its acclaim throughout North America and abroad. Their recordings on the ATMA Classique label (Las ciudades de oro, Pardessus de viole, Marin Marais : Badinages, Solfeggio and Bach au pardessus de viole) have been the recipients of two Juno prizes, two Opus prizes, Radio-Canada’s Recording of the Year, are among the CBC’s Top Ten CDs of the Year, and have been listed on the Apple Music prestigious Top Ten Classical Recordings.
The ensemble, featuring international guest artists, hosts a prestigious series and has been featured at international festivals across Europe, North and South America. They are the recipient of numerous grants from the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Musicaction Foundation and Montérégie and Eastern Township municipalities.