The first edition of the Festival Le Québec à Paris has just ended, and it is with great pride that we can say, what an event!
After almost 30 years of existence and the release of more than 700 albums, it was time for us to expand our horizons and offer a new platform for our artists’ excellence to shine throughout the world. Quebec is a breeding ground for talent that deserves to be discovered, and we hope we have managed to pique your curiosity!

Thanks to you, we were fully booked for all three days, and we couldn’t have wished for a better first edition. We are, of course, passionate about music, but this passion only makes sense when it is shared, when it is collective, and when it allows us to get together. This was the goal of this new event, and you were there. Once again, thank you!
A big thank you also to our artists: Karina Gauvin, Stéphane Tétreault, Denis Plante, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay, Mélisande Corriveau, Susie Napper, and Pierre McLean. Thank you for coming to showcase our talented province in the City of Light. We wish you many more great concerts here and around the world.
Our thanks would not be complete without a special mention to our partners who made this project possible: the Bibliothèque musicale La Grange-Fleuret for their warm welcome, the Délégation du Québec à Paris, the SODEC and the CALQ for their important financial support, and our French team, Yann Ollivier and Isabelle Gillouard, for their precious help.
This edition of the festival was the first of what we hope will be a series of many! For all those who wish to know more about the next edition, and for those who could not come this year, please mark your calendars!