Francis Perron’s wide experience as chamber musician, accompanist and vocal coach have made him a much sought-after collaborator. Therefore, he has worked closely, among others, with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, the Opéra de Montréal, the Québec Symphony Orchestra, the Wien Kammeroper, the Vienna, Zurich Winterhur and ARD Musik Wettwerb conservatories, the Salzburg Summer Academy, the Freiburg University, the Avignon International Violin Competition, the Fritz Kreisler International Violin Competition in Vienna, the Royaumont Festival and de Montreal International Music Competition. Francis Perron has taught master classes at the Vancouver International Song Institute, the Canadian Vocal Arts Institute, Orford Music, Mexico Liederfest, at the Paris and Lyon conservatories as well as the New England Conservatory in Boston. In 2013, he won the prize for the best voice-piano duo at the Positively Poulenc Competition in New York. He has performed in recitals with prominent singers such as François Le Roux, Nathalie Paulin, and Julie Boulianne. A founding member of the Orford Six Pianos ensemble and a member of the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (NEM) since 2017, Francis Perron has made numerous records and has been heard frequently on CBC’s French and English networks as well as France Musique. He is currently an associate professor at the Université de Montréal Faculty of Music, responsible for the piano accompaniment program in addition to being the vice-dean for international relations.