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David Jacques Q & A

Guitarist and lutenist David Jacques has a Ph.D. in early music performance from the Université de Montréal. He studied classical guitar at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy, Université Laval, and the Conservatoire de musique de Québec. His discography consists of 50-plus recordings on the XXI-21, ATMA, Oz, and Analekta labels, several of which have been nominated […]

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ATMA CLASSIQUE Q&A with Marina Thibeault

Violist Marina Thibeault holds numerous honours and distinctions, including prizes from the Père-Lindsay Foundation, “Révélation Radio-Canada”, and the Sylva Gelber Foun¬dation. In 2015 she won first prize in the string category of Prix d’Europe and the McGill Concerto Competition. ELLES, Marina’s second recording for ATMA Classique, features repertoire for solo viola and viola and piano […]

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Frank Horvat Q & A

One of the most inventive songwriters to come out of the contemporary scene in Canada, Frank Horvat is an award-winning composer whose music explores a wide array of themes — from love to social justice issues. Horvat’s debut ATMA recording, For Those Who Died Trying, features the world premiere recording of his composition The Thailand […]

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Q&A with MATHIEU LUSSIER Conductor, composer, and bassoonist Mathieu Lussier is a versatile musician with a commanding grasp of early repertoire. He is increasingly in demand as a guest conductor, having recently made his conducting debuts with several orchestras including the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Appointed Associate Conductor of Les Violons du Roy in 2014, Lussier […]

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20 questions for Fandango’s Simon Rivet

Le Quatuor Fandango: de gauche à droite, J. Geisterfer, R.-A. Martinez-Lissow, T.-E. Hinse-Paré, S. Rivet   Pre-performance ritual: Nothing special, just the usual routine of an alert guitarist: filing nails, tuning, finger exercises, followed by 10 minutes of meditation before the performance. My age at first musical awakening: I grew up in a musical family, […]